Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Surviving Dinner Out

With a little time and some prep work in the kitchen, you can make your own "fast food" meals. Just because  your baby eats solids now (table foods) does not mean that you can't continue to prepare healthy meals for your little one. The effort to make a healthy meal is worth every minute of time! 

Let's get started on the products that can make your life easier when headed out for dinner! 

These Ziploc containers are so convenient and easy to wash. I usually pack one up from leftovers each night for lunch the following day. The best part is if you have liquids the top seals each individual section so there's no leaking. I have another option below for a stainless steel option by Planet Box that I'm lusting over but haven't made the investment yet. 

Until recently I was using the infant spoons and the Take and Toss but these by Boon are great for when she wants to take a stab at feeding herself! They are even bendable so they fit her little chubby hands very well. We are not there yet but she needs the practice. 

This is the best cup ever! No leaks, no spills and very portable! Doll Baby had a hard time with a sippy so I went straight for a straw cup since that's the ultimate goal I just skipped a few steps. We started a sippy around 5ish months for fun and by 7 months she was proficient with the straw! Thanks to the Playtex mommy assisted straw cup for helping us learn to suck the straw. Since she would drink from the Zoli Bot she hasn't had a bottle since 7 months! Isn't that crazy? Since I breastfed she never really had many bottles anyway but I'm thankful we don't have to deal with getting rid of the bottle! God cares about the details! 

These are helpful so Doll Baby doesn't have to eat off the dirty table when we are out but if anyone has a better suggestion I'm open to trying something new. I'm sure there's a better product! 

I keep these in the diaper bag for emergencies when we forget the beloved Baby Bjorn bib (below)

This bib saves my life! It may not be the most attractive thing but it does a great job acting as a trough for my little piggy who enjoys her food a little too much sometimes. Your waiter or waitress will love you too since it keeps a lot of food off the floor! 

I loved these for their convenience and the size of the spoon was perfect for Doll Baby's petite mouth.  

Neoprene Lunch Box was purchased at Swaddle located in Homewood, AL. 

I'd love to try this product out but haven't justified the $65 price tag. If anyone knows of another product like this I'd be willing to check it out! 

What products do you use to make life easier? Who uses a shopping cart cover? 

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